

The exercise will be set at us-west-2 (Oregon).



  • AWS Account: An account for the TESTING environment.
  • Administrator rights: Make sure you are using an IAM user with Administrator privileges.
  • AWS CLI: Make sure you are ready to use the AWS CLI to simulate attacks from your computer.


Activate Amazon GuardDuty

  1. Sign in to AWS Console, and access the [GuardDuty] service (
  2. Start by selecting Get Started.


  1. For new accounts, AWS will give us a 30-day trial, to start using, click the Enable GuardDuty button.


Prepare resources with AWS CloudFormation

  1. Sign in to AWS Console, access the [CloudFormation] service (
  2. Proceed to create a new Stack by pressing the Create Stack button.
  3. On the Specify template page,
  • Download the template at here
  • Proceed to upload an existing Template by using the Upload a template file button.
  1. On the Parameters page, we will enter some required information as follows:
    1. EmailAddress: Personal Email account to be able to receive notifications.


  1. On the Specify Stack Details page, select the Next button.
  2. On the Configure stack options page, select the Next button.
  3. On the Capabilities page, proceed to accept (Acknowledge) to allow the Template to create IAM roles, and finally select the Create Stack button.


The above process will take 5-10 minutes until we see the status of the Stack as CREATE_COMPLETE. We will receive an email notification with the same subject as AWS Notification - Subscription Confirmation.



Initial results will show 10 minutes after the CloudFormation Stack setup is completed.

AWS Resources Prepared?

CloudFormation Template will prepare us with the following resources:

  1. EC2 Service:
    • 2 instances named Compromised Instance.
    • 1 instance named Malicious Instance.
  2. IAM service:
    • 1 IAM Role for EC2 instance with access to SSM Parameter Store and DynamoDB.
  3. SNS service:
    • 1 SNS Topic send notifications via E-mail.
  4. EventBridge Service:
    • 3 EventBridge Events Rules for triggering notifications and remediation process.
  5. Lambda Service:
    • 2 Lambda Functions to fix the vulnerabilities.
  6. SSM service:
    • 1 SSM Parameter Store is used to store the password for the TESTING environment.